The Bowland Badass Rides Again!

After 3 weeks in the soporific summer sunshine of the south of France, Professor Badass returned with the lavender oil dust of Provence caked into the leathery folds of his fraying, reptilian hide and an impish grin on his berry-brown face. He emailed JD and TechnicalExpert with the following brief message: Bowland Badass 2013 is a go. Yes, you heard it right. The leg-mushing torment of an ultra-sportive that is this country’s longest, hardest organized ride will be held again on Saturday, 6th July 2013. We’ve chosen today to send out the call to arms as it leaves you 8 full months to get your ass in gear and get ready for the two-wheeled torture session of a lifetime. Who could possibly resist the painful lure of the Badass?  There are NO changes to the route, the location of the feed stops, or the cost of doing it. Yes, it’s just the same as before and  it’s still £10! That works out at 6 pence for each of those agonizing 167 miles. It’s still the bargain of all bargains!!  Commit now. Enter the Bowland Badass 2013. Like before all you need to do is get in touch with us through the contact page and we’ll send you an entry form. If you’ve entered/done it before just email Professor Badass directly.

Posted on October 26, 2012, in News and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Leon - Riding My Bike A Bit

    Excellent news 🙂

  2. Leon - Riding My Bike A Bit

    Even more excellent – I have a Day Pass to come and play again 😀

  3. Big Bob - St Helens RC

    Brilliant news, i’m a Badass virgin, from the St Helens RC. I have been trying to recruit some club mates to do it with me, so far without success.I am confident there will be some other fools from the club willing to try this epic challenge! Big Bob

  4. Being a cold and wet Monday morning in the Pennines, I cannot muster a witty poetic response worthy of the Professor. So it’s just a ‘please count me in again’   It’s pay day next week, so if you send me the form, by the time I return it and you bank the cheque, I should have sufficient funds to cover it!     Kind Regards   Pat


  5. Are you sure you have enough time to run this again seeing as your trying to get every Strava KOM in the Northwest???????????

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